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White Wheat Bread Flour

Home / Products / Flour / White Wheat Bread Flour

White bread flour (code BL80) is best suited for doughs and baking breads. It has better moisture retention than plain flour and a higher mineral content. By using white bread flour you get a soft, yet crusty bread.

Product details

Packaging size

1 kg

General informations

The corrective quality winter wheat varieties are bred by the Martonvásár Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science, the seeds are propagated on our own land, processed and metal sealed in our seed factory.
Gyermelyi Holding is committed to producing high-quality, safe Hungarian food and meeting the needs of consumers as widely as possible.The majority of our products are made from ingredients we produce ourselves, ensuring careful selection, impeccable quality and delicious taste. Below you can find an overview of our range of consumer products, with more information on each.